

Time To Go Junkin!

We're off to the vintage junk market show again!

Did you miss our Junk Salvation adventure last spring?  If so, click here!

I've got my 'Junk Lovin' friend Kristen with me again...

 AND this year we talked our 'adventure-seeking' friend, MJ into joining us!
Are you ready to see the fun we had? 

Check out the junk!  There's so much to see!

Such fun things! 

A little bit of everything!

We enjoyed seeing all the creative displays.


I loved this jewelry booth...especially the cute burlap tablecloth with the ruffle.

Check out this old rake used to showcase the jewelry.


There's always so many unusual and creative ideas to soak in.
I love the magnet forks.

Take a look at this chandelier made with a wire lamp shade, chicken wire
and a collection of vintage glass.
You just never know what you'll find at a junk show!

Vintage hardware,


fishing gear,

even animal skulls!


 Kristen loved this vintage tray...


while MJ found a cute table and crate to take home.

I had to have these red branches to decorate for Thanksgiving,
plus I came home with a few other things...


Look closely and you can see the huge glass door we fit into my rig! 
(Don't worry, I'll be blogging about it later.)
Oh, what fun we had! 

By the way, next time we go junkin' we're driving the truck!


  1. Next time I am following you and junkn' too! Who's all coming?

  2. Wow you hit the jackpot!! What awesome finds!

  3. I would so go junkin' with you - looks like great stuff and tons of fun
