

Smashing Surprise Cake

Last week on my Facebook page, I shared an adorable idea I saw here of a surprise cake.
(It's basically a chocolate dome shell that has a hidden surprise inside.)

You smash the cake to reveal the surprise!  Fun, huh?!

I also mentioned on Facebook how I failed miserably trying to create it!

Yep, this was my first attempt.
But don't fear, can learn from my mistake!

DO NOT try making this in a glass bowl!  Use a metal bowl ONLY!

It's quite simple, once you understand about the METAL bowl.
(You'll see what I mean in a minute.)

First, melt chocolate in a GLASS bowl in the microwave, following the package directions.
(Of course you know that a METAL bowl does NOT go in a microwave!)

Now, here's where your METAL bowl comes in...

Take your METAL bowl and oil it with a paper towel.  Oil it really, really well!

Next, spoon in some of your melted chocolate into the oiled METAL bowl.
Smooth the chocolate all over the inside of the bowl.
(I used the back side of the spoon.)
Cover the bottom and the sides.  You want the chocolate to cover the entire inside of the bowl.
Try to make it smooth, adding more chocolate to make a nice even layer. 
If the sides start to drip, keep applying more chocolate.

Put bowl in freezer for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, take bowl out of freezer and apply more chocolate if needed to cover any holes
or areas where the chocolate looks too thin.

Put bowl back in the freezer for 10 minutes.

A METAL bowl contracts when it is cold.  This allows the chocolate to come out.

 A glass bowl does not contract---at all!  It does NOT allow the chocolate to come out!
I learned the hard way!
After 10 more minutes, take bowl out of the freezer and gently tip upside down as you nudge the chocolate dome (carefully) out of the bowl and onto a plate.

Decorate as desired.

I used white icing to go with these New Year's cookies I made.

Place dome back in the freezer until ready to display.

Meanwhile, prepare the goodies (surprise) for under the cake.
I used party poppers and candy for the surprise.

When ready to serve, take the dome out of the freezer and place over the (surprise) goodies.
(Do this secretly, so no one sees!)

Bring the 'Smashing Surprise Cake' to the table and listen to all the 'Oooooh's' and 'Ahhh's'!

Then, take out a wooden spoon...
(Watch the eyes of your family and guests look at you like you're crazy!)

and SMASH IT! 
Everyone will be surprised!  Trust me!
Enjoy the goodies and of course,
nibble on a piece of the smashed chocolate!

By the way, if you haven't liked my Michelle Paige Facebook page yet, click here.
I love to share fun ideas I find in blogland on my page!
Plus, you'll be the first to know when I post a new entry.

Happy New Year!


  1. Wow, Michelle! I hadn't seen anything like this! What a fun and fabulous cake. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is so awesome!! I've never seen this before. This must have been so fun to break open!

  3. I host a New Years party every year...I am so doing this next year!! Thank so much for linking up to Strictly Homemade and sharing. I always love your ideas!!

  4. This is awesome! I'd love to do this for someone's birthday and fill it with small gifts...

  5. So fun...this would be great for some many different occasions!

  6. This is so cool! I'm a new follower of your blog- hope you'll stop by!!

  7. This has been a favorite as a birthday cake with my boys for many years. I put It over a cake and cover that with surprises, put the done over the top, decorate, and let them smash away with a small hammer. Kids just love it.
