

Back to School Bash!

It's August...can you believe it? 
I know it's early to ask, but are you thinking back to school, yet?

Are you needing to bring some excitement and enthusiasm for the new school year?
I've got some ideas for you!

Start this school year off with a 'Back to School' Party!

I gathered up my kids and my nieces and we had our own 'Back to School' Party...
Check it out!

I decorated the table with a ‘Back to School’ theme.

I used a black plastic tablecloth and covered it with lots of new school supplies and paper cut-outs.

  I scattered new crayons, sharpened pencils and notebooks. 

At each place I set a polka dot placemat and tied up some new erasers with matching ribbon.
I wrote each child's name on dry erase lined boards and set out a shiny apple.

A new tiny composition book with a sharpened pencil was on each plate.

 A little bit of red ribbon, a few paper lanterns and a chalkboard sign
announced the theme, “Back to School!”

My simple menu was‘school-themed'.
Grilled cheese sandwiches...

and alphabet soup. 

and a treat!

Festive red JELLO with whipped cream and sprinkles.

While eating lunch,
I asked each child to come up with a personal goal for themselves for the new school year.

 (Younger children can think of something they’re looking forward to at school.)
Have the children write or draw their goal in small notebooks.
Take turns going around the table and sharing what they wrote.
(This one was done by my first grade niece.  It will be her first year of eating lunch at school.)

  Here's another game we played...Silly Sentences.
Each child puts 4 letter crackers on their plates.
Moving the letters around, think of words that begin with each cracker letter
and use them to finish this sentence,
“This year at school I will… (cracker letters= E, M, S, H)… Eat My Science Homework.

  For younger children have them name something that begins with each of their cracker letters.

After lunch is finished, get out those gumballs!

Have each child chew the number of gumballs that correlates with their grade in school.
A first grader will chew 1 gumball and say this school sentence one time.
"I am looking forward to a super school year in first grade."

My fifth grader chewed 5 gumballs and had to say the school sentence five times.
“I am looking forward to a super school year in fifth grade.”
The older the child, the stickier it gets!

And of course I had to take some pictures!
No party is complete without a photo shoot.
Set up a wall with a black background, paper lanterns and a few streamers.
Have each child pose holding a chalkboard displaying their grade level. 
I took some pictures of them holding up their grade level in fingers, too.

Hope this school year is your child’s best yet!

To see more party inspiration, click here.

Linking up to: FrugalGirls, HappyHourProjects, AtthePicketFence, 52Mantles, NaptimeCrafters,
SerenityNow, Tatertots&Jello, IHeartNaptime, CraftOManiac, SweetLittleGals, TodaysCreativeBlog, SkiptoMyLou, GingerSnapCrafts, LilLuna, Uncommon,


  1. Great Party Michelle! How fun!

  2. Great way to get the kids in the school mode. I love your fun ideas.

  3. Oh how cute-my kids would love this too!

  4. Only you could make going back to school fun :) Especially a month out! Can I have your apple pizza recipe?! That's in my lesson plan book for "a" week

  5. What a great party theme! This looks like so much fun! As a teacher I appreciate everything that parents do to get their kids excited about starting school :)

    Visiting from your Serenity Now feature!

  6. These are awesome ideas and so cute! We would love to invite you to join us on Saturday Show & Tell on Cheerios and Lattes. I know our readers will love your ideas! Have a great weekend!
    Mackenzie :)

  7. What fun! Our tradition is to have grade level pancakes on the first day of school - if you are in first I made the letters for first in pancakes - I think my favorite part you had is the photo with each child and their grade level - just priceless.

  8. This is soooo great! What fun! We just started our year with a back to school breakfast with an owl theme here:

    I would love it if you would link this post up to my current linky party for back to school ideas, homeschool rooms, etc. I think it would be a great fit!

  9. ohhh the fun in your home! seriously AMAZINGLY wonderful!!! I can just imagine the memories that you kiddos will have when they are old... so much LOVE! So much FUN!!!

  10. How stinkin' cute is THAT?!? I love this party idea!!! Newest follower through Bloglovin'!

    April Hoff
