

First Day at a New School

Not sure what happened yesterday...
It was the first day of school for the kids and for some reason,
I was the one who couldn't sleep! 
I guess I was nervous for my kids starting a new school? 
I've got a 5th grader and a 6th grader this year! Yikes! Where has the time gone?

After 15+ years of me teaching and sending my kids to a public school,
we have made the change.
 They are now attending a Christian school
and I'm a stay-at-home/volunteer/chauffeur mom.

It is always hard changing schools, making new friends, figuring out new systems.
The crazy thing is...
it's tough on the parents, too!

Not only am I nervous for my kids, I'm nervous for myself.
Will I get lost?  Will I like the parents I meet?  Will I park in the wrong place?
Will I have someone to talk to as I wait for my child?  Will I find my child?
Did I fill out all the forms?  Pay the right amount?  Schedule the kids correctly?
Will the office people like me?  Will the kids' teachers like me?
No wonder September is so stressful!

A Christian school is a definite change from the public schools.

-Every parent information meeting is started with a prayer. 
(No, it's not just me praying under my breath.)
-Every volunteer coordinator that speaks about needing help,
asks for not only support, but prayers.
-The fundraiser happening at the end of the month will not only help our school,
but another school in need.  The money earned will be tithed.
-The focus is on growing our kids spiritually first, then academically.
-The principal has given the parents assigned reading
as well as the challenge to teach our kids certain truths at home.

The first day of school ended with an all school (parent's invited) convocation around the flag pole.
Praise songs, prayers and student speakers welcomed everyone to a new school year.
The children were encouraged to meet new friends and
challenged to talk about their faith with others.
The students stood and received a blessing from the principal, before heading home.

Applying the Christian faith to my child's education.
I think I can relax a bit, things are going to be OK.

And guess what my child's homework was on the first day of school?
Memorizing scripture!  This is the school's scripture theme for the year.

2 Cor. 3:12
Therefore, since we have such a hope, we are very bold.

Bold enough to share our faith with others.
Bold enough to meet new friends.
Bold enough to ask for help.
(Not exactly a word I would call myself.)
 I think I'll be learning quite a bit this year, too!

Hope your family had a great start to the school year!

Also yesterday, my Quick and Easy Mini Pies were over at a Creative Cookie.

Pop on over to Creative Cookie to check them out! 


  1. What an exciting adventure for your family! It hope your kids have a terrific year. The years at Whitworth deeply impacted me, such a difference attending a Christian school after growing up in the public school system. I'd be nervous too! We only want the best for our kids.

  2. Sounds like an amazing opportunity for your children! I'm sure they'll do great. :)

  3. I'm looking forward to hearing about the school and how your kids are enjoying it. I'm always nervous on the first day of school for my kids, and we've been at the school for 6 years!
