

No Candy Splash Valentines

No candy needed for these Splash Valentines...

You can quickly make these with a trip to the Dollar Store.
(and the grocery store--if buying water bottles.)
Purchase a couple Funny Squirting Sea Life packages
  from the Dollar Store.

Printout these cards on cardstock or photo paper.
If you print on cardstock, use Glue Dots, (I LOVE GlueDots!)
or double-stick tape to attach the squirters. 
If you print on photo paper, use a drop of hot glue.

Place adhesive on the bottom of each squirter animal
 and attach to the card.

 Quick, cute and easy!
Have your child sign the back of the card.

You can hand these Valentines out, just like this,
or add a cute little water bottle with a label to go with it.

Print out labels, trim, attach with a Glue dot or double stick tape. 


 I'm not sure the teachers will appreciate my creativity?
It's not a candy valentine, so they've got to give me a passing grade, don't you think? 
All teachers can handle a little friendly water squirting, right? 
Thank goodness I'm not in the classroom anymore!

I also found these adorable Cutie Bath Squirters
at the Dollar Store.

I had to purchase one for my littlest nephew...(he's 2.)

I made a cute little tag...

...and attached it right to the packaging with 2 staples.
Got any cute 'little squirts' in your life?

Visit more Valentine ideas on the blog.
StarBURST Valentines



  1. Michelle, you are on a roll...LOVE these, so fun

  2. You come up with the BEST Valentines! I am so in love with the little squirts. Do you think my high school students would appreciate these so I'll have an excuse to make some? ;)

  3. Oh my, I LOVE these!! You are so creative!!

  4. Way cute!! I invite you to stop by and link-
