

Washi Tape Cup Markers

Labeling cups is always an issue at my home, especially in the summer.
We often have a crowd over for parties and get-togethers and that means lots of cups.
 Our 'party' cups are usually plastic cups with a Sharpie written name on them.  This bothers me.

 The plastic cups are ugly, they ruin the party decor and sometimes (depending on handwriting) it's hard to read the names.  Not to mention the waste they create when our friends leave.

Drum roll please....this just might change your world like it did mine?

Enter Washi Tape!  Washi Tape to the rescue!
 (I told you that Washi Tape is fast becoming my favorite craft item! I'm almost saying goodbye to ribbon...almost.  No, not really.)

Here's how to create these:
Punch out paper shapes, hole punch the tops and put them on a jump ring (or a binder ring).
Thread the ring on a piece of Washi Tape and stick the tape all the way around the cup.
The Washi Tape is wrapped around the cup and it stays until you're ready to take it off.
Washi Tape comes off of everything!

Wait a minute...everything?  
How about putting it on a real glass?  Oh Yeah!

No more guessing whose glass is who's?  That is what I call a cute and clever party glass!
Plus, no sticky residue when you pull it off.

You can even take the tape off, put it on a piece of waxed paper
 and reuse it again when you need to! 
Seriously, why didn't I do this sooner?

And how about this little cutie?

Look how fun these glasses looked on the table for Father's Day!

and what about this!?!

Yep, it's a world changer for me.

Happy 4th of July!

Here's some more 4th of July ideas for you!


  1. LOVE this idea! So cute and smart! I really hope you submit this to The Washi Blog! :)

  2. You are a GENIUS. We do the same thing with Sharpies on plastic cups and water bottles and I hate it. These are so cute and no one will want to lose their glass.

  3. Love, love, love these! I need to get more creative with my washi tape.

  4. This is a fabulous idea! I'm going to use this for out Canada Day Party!! Thanks :)

  5. Genius. Pure Genius. Hugs, Holly

  6. Very cute and creative!

  7. Love the cups:) Hope you don't mind, I shared your link on my page. Saw your pin on pinterest:)

  8. Brilliant and much more festive solution! Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday.
