

Washi Tape Holder


My mom and I were at a garage sale recently and I spied this for $1.00!
(I even left the price tag on for you to see!)
My mom gave me this confused look and asked if I had that many thread, no.

I am not a seamstress. 
I can follow simple sewing patterns.
(but I don't like to)
I own maybe 9 thread spools.

However, I do own a bunch of Washi tape spools!!
Look how I can keep my tape organized on a thread holder!
It works perfectly.
No more digging in a jar to find the color I need!

So easy and it only cost $1.00. 

Now, that's my kind of garage sale find! 

I been using Washi tape on just about EVERYTHING lately.

I'm starting to think that Washi tape
is being favored over ribbon in this house?!
Gasp!  It can't be true, can it?  No...

PS--Here's my favorite starter set of Washi tape.


Linking up to: Uncommon-FundayMonday, MadeByYou, TimeToSparkle, AtoZebraCelebrations, TheWintropChronicles,


  1. GREAT idea! Can you come over and get my stuff organized???

  2. Such a great find...and a clever use! I did something similar for my 2 daughters' bags. Bought a hardware store grid, mounted it inside their closet, and bought a bagful of loose hooks, so they can arrange the bags as needed (off the floor or stashed in the cabinet supposedly out of my sight!).

  3. Awesome! I love seeing how people store their tape. And your idea came at an awesome price! You should spray paint it a fun color to make it pop! :)

    We'd love for you to stop by and link this up at Much Ado About Monday. We have a fun fabric giveaway going on, too! :)


  4. Gotta love a good garage sale find! I am a washi tape hoarder, so I will have to keep my eyes open for one of these :-)

  5. Genius!! I love seeing how people organize their washi tape.
