

Painters Tape Pumpkins

I've mentioned before that I strongly do NOT like to carve pumpkins.
Today I'm taking another approach...

Painter's Tape Pumpkins


Surprisingly simple to make.

Start with a foam pumpkin found at a craft store.
(I'm sure you could use a real pumpkin, but I used a fake one.)


Cover the pumpkin with Painter's tape, making straight lined shapes and angles.
Press down securely.

Paint the pumpkin with a couple coats of black paint.

Let dry and peel off the tape.

(Some of the paint may seep under the tape...that didn't bother me.  If it bothers you, touch it up with some orange paint that matches your pumpkin color.)

Happy Halloween!


Have you seen my other 'non-carve' ideas?  Come take a look!

Chalkboard Pumpkins

Washi Tape and Thumbtack Pumpkins

Linking up to:  CraftOManiac, SundayShowcase, MadebyYouMonday,


  1. Hi Michelle! I love how they turned out! So cool! Thanks for sharing! Blessings from Bama!
