

Quick & Easy Bridal Shower Invitations

I love making invitations that are cute and fast! If I can avoid glue, even better! Check out these simple bridal shower invitations I made for my mom’s church friends.

This bridal shower has a bird theme (if you ask me, you always need a theme!). We used some 'birdie' wording on the invitation: 'Come help us ‘feather’ their nests.' and 'The ‘lovebirds’ are registered at…'

Using my parent's computer, I simply added some basic clip art to the party information (Word document) and printed it out. I trimmed the paper to fit the purple/pink cardstock color I found in my mom's stash.  I then punched two holes through both the paper and the cardstock.

I threaded the ribbon, (every invitation in my opinion has to have ribbon!) through the holes and tied on a purple feather. Purple is the couple’s wedding color.

I had my ‘build anything, do anything’ dad help me finish all 80 of the invites! His hands were a blur!  We had feathers everywhere!

What a fun shower theme to have birds, birdcages, nests, etc.  Very trendy at the moment. _________________________________

This next invitation and bridal shower theme is a bit different.
My mom's church friends want to have a bridal shower for the pastor's son's fiancee'. 
She happens to live in AZ and can’t make it to the party in WA State. Mom's friends are not letting that (the guest of honor not coming) stop them from having a party.
So, after much thought, we came up with a ‘bag’ theme. We asked each guest to bring their shower present in a bag, so everyone can peek inside at the gifts. I tried to make the
invitations look like gift bags. 

I used more scrapbook paper from mom's stash and taped on tissue paper that I crinkled up. I then stapled the invite (again, Word document with clip art) right on top of the tissue paper. Stapling is so much faster than gluing!
This time I made my husband  and daughter help me. (I always look for help when mass producing cards!  If you're standing around, I'll put you to work!)

 I punched a hole on each side to tie on the ribbon handle.  I forgot to include on the invitation where the couple was registered, so I added that with a slip of paper that looks like it’s coming out of the bag (I got my sister-in-law to help with that task.).

These invites will be hand delivered, so there's no need for envelopes.
Won’t decorating be fun for this 'bag themed' party.  Think multi-colored gift bags displayed throughout, gift bag shaped cookies (with licorice handles) and ‘What’s in the Bag?’ games? I could even see making a cute banner out of gift bags strung together!  (Maybe they'll get the groom to come?)
Once my mom saw how quick the shower invitations were going, she put me to work on a birthday invite. My parent’s adorable foster child is turning 2 years old soon.
A ‘Pink Party’ invitation was needed...this time I only needed to make a few.

Very similar to the bird invitations.  They are the perfect fit to send in pink legal size envelopes.
Fast, easy and no glue!

And just in case you're wondering, when my mom comes to visit me... 
I always put her to work--- Ironing!!!
I definitely have the better deal!


  1. Love the bird ones! We made our invitations for our Mother's Day Tea on Wed and I didn't have any ribbon - definitely were missing something!

  2. Thanks for the comment, Meghan. I'm sure your invitations turned out great!

  3. I meant to comment earlier, but had technical issues with the phone. But I have to say it is pretty awesome to see your dad making pink feathery invites! I can imagine that he's been wrangled into helping with many a crafty project!


  4. Buffy-- Haha! Yes, my dad has done it all...and he never complains! Gotta love him! Thanks for your comment.

  5. i need brainstorming help with a "lamby" theme baby shower.

  6. Beth- I'd love to help! What a fun theme!
