

Flower Pot Place Markers

I needed some place markers for our Mother's Day table...everyone loves to have a place marked with their name, right?  Don't you enjoy knowing where you should sit?  Well, I'll a little place marker adds to the table decor!


I purchased small terracotta pots and painted them with black chalkboard paint.  I painted the tops of the pots with white craft paint.  It took a few coats of paint and a bit of drying time---then they were ready to label.

Have you seen these fun Chalk Ink pens?  They're super easy to write with and they erase with soapy water.  Perfect when I'm ready to use the pots again with different names or sayings.

I found pink impatients that matched the color theme of the I slipped one little plant in each pot.  No extra potting soil needed!


Of course I had to add a bit of ribbon to each pot! Everything looks better with ribbon!  (I put the pots on little glass dishes, so I could water them without ruining my tablecloth. These little plants need a lot of water!)

Don't they look cute on Mom's birthday party table? We celebrated my Mom's birthday the day before Mother's Day.  Did you miss my post on the super-easy pink cake and brownie pops I made?  Click here to view. Also, if you want to see how I turned the pots into a cute teacher gift click here!


This post was featured on Sassy Sites!


  1. great idea for a little (or Big) Garden Party! Let the sun shine!

  2. Such a cute idea!

    I just started a linky party this past Tuesday. It was a great success with over 50 link ups! I would love it if you would participate next week! It's called $10 Tuesdays and it's for things that cost less than $10 and take 20-30 mins (ish) to complete. I love inexpensive and quick projects and I'm guessing others will too ;) Thanks so much for considering.
    PS. I'm GIVING away 50 button pony tailers this month! Come visit and claim yours ;)

  3. I love the black and white together! And how fun are those chalk markers! I think I need to add them to my list for my next craft shopping trip!

  4. Love this! new follower! visiting from

    ps i just ordered chalkboard pens on ebay! working on wall size chalkboard!

  5. Love this idea, super cute!

    Warm Wishes,

  6. TO CUTE, GREAT GREAT FAB. IDEA, love the Mothers Day Celebration table too. WELL DONE. winks-jen

  7. Very nice painting. Beautiful.
    Best wishes, Linda

  8. Thanks for all the lovely comments!
