

Make Quick, Cute Notecards!

Super easy, cheap and CUTE cards---FAST!  I like to consider myself the fastest card-marker on the planet...I know that's not true, but it's fun to think I am.  I have been known to whip out a card 5 minutes before we're walking out the door for an event!  Once I made a wedding card in the car on the way to the wedding. 
Remember my Scrapbooking in the Car post?  Click here.

You can make these cards in 1 minute, or less!  The trick?
Ribbon, of course...and store bought pre-printed notecards (the $1.00-$3.00 packs you find at the Dollar Store or at Michaels). 

First, be on the lookout for printed packs of notecards.  You know the kind you see sold with envelopes in 6-10 packs at Michaels, JoAnns and Target. You'll want to buy notecards that have a simple pattern or design.  Stay away from pictures or writings.  Shop the clearance sections or the day after holidays and sometimes you can find them for .50 a pack!

Immediately take your notecards and go to the ribbon section of the store.  Find a ribbon color that matches the notecards.  Sometimes you'll find what you need in the $1. ribbon bin!

Look for lightweight ribbon that won't make too much bulk on your cards.

Back at home, using your paper cutter, trim down your card a bit.  This will allow the card to fit in the envelope easier with the ribbon.  Now, tie the ribbon (in either a knot or a bow) around the front flap of the card.  That's it!

Really easy, right!

My daughter tied these up to give as a gift!  Who wouldn't want a pack of notecards?

Now, do you have another minute to spare?  Want to add some glam?  Of course you do!

Try using Stickles Glitter Glue on your notecards!  You can find them in the craft stores, usually in the scrapbook section.  They come in all different colors and they're so easy to use.


Just put a drop of glitter glue on each dot on your notecard.  Can you see the difference it makes?

Here I put a dot in-between each pattern.  Be sure to let them dry overnight before tying a ribbon on them.  (Sorry, I forgot to account for the drying time, but the actual assembly is still really fast.  I have been known to use a hairdryer when I didn't allow enough time for the glitter glue to dry!)

Here is a glitter glue dot in the center of each flower.

Here, I decorated the card with lots of dots, some big, some small.
Now with all your fabulous notecards you'll have no excuse not to send someone a note, right? 

You can sometimes find Stickles in 3 packs, but usually you have to purchase them individually.  However, I did find this affordable glitter glue pack from Martha that I like just as well.

Click here for Part 2 of this post...adding a greeting!

The FrugalGirls!!! They actually featured this post! So exciting! Click here to view!


  1. what a great idea..I buy these cards all the time! Now I can Jazz them up!Thanks!

  2. This is such a great idea! I love the $1 at Target, but personalizing them makes them seem 100 times better! I love your last card with the different sized polka dots!


  4. Michelle - These are super cute! The ribbon adds the prefect little touch! Thanks for sharing - Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
    ~Stephanie Lynn

  5. I love these!!!!! Those $1 note cards are so great, and you made them look so so cute. Great project!

  6. This seems like a great and fun project for my girls and my wife. It can help build upon their creative skills all at an affordable cost.

  7. Love this idea!! Perfect for those days I need to be creative but don't have a lot of time.

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