

The Crazy Part of Moving

Hello Friends!  I've been a bit 'occupied' lately.
When things get crazy, blogging is the first thing to go...hence the reason why you haven't seen me in awhile.

So, what have I been doing?  Oh, just a few little things...

Packing, cleaning, moving, unpacking, organizing, rearranging, shopping, painting, more rearranging, decorating, entertaining, volunteering, ...oh, and a little vacation in there--just to name a few small things.

We moved from our home of 16 years to a new home closer to the kids' school. We're saving so much time on our commute, that I'm wondering why we didn't move sooner.  We are LOVING the new location...Lake Washington is right down the street from us!

And (of course) living in a brand new home is wonderful! It's so clean and fresh, that I'm paranoid to make a mark on the walls!  Yikes!  (I've already had to get out the touch up paint.)

Besides the normal craziness of moving, the hardest part for me has been re-establishing all the everyday routines.  We had smooth, organized systems happening in our old home and now, not so much...yet.
For instance, where should we hang our coats and leave our shoes when we walk in?  Where should the lunchboxes go and the backpacks and the car keys?  What about the mail and the papers from school?  Where will we post the calendars and the important dates?  Where will the dirty clothes go and the cleaning supplies and the extra toilet paper and the tissue boxes?  Why doesn't this house have a linen closet?  Which side of the sink should we stack the dishes and where are we putting the scrub brushes and the chip clips (those are important!).  Where will all the DVD's go and the books--there's no built-in shelves!  ...And where in the world should we put the grocery sacks and why don't the Ziploc bags fit in the drawers?  (I think you get the picture.)

The amount of energy it takes to re-organize a house and then re-train the family members has been quite exhausting.  It's coming...but slowly. 

AH (awesome hubby) has been a bit confused as I organize the kitchen one way and then he comes home the next day to find things have moved.  Apparently, it takes me awhile to process the best spots for all our gear?  (You have to have the potholders close to the oven, but what do you do when you have two ovens far away from each other?  Two drawers of potholders?  Or one in the middle not next to either oven?  Really?  Who knew I could waste so much thought over potholders?  And then there's the issue of where to put the drinking glasses when you have two sinks and a water dispensing fridge on the opposite side of the kitchen...)  Please don't think I'm complaining about the kitchen--I LOVE the sparkles!

Determining 'designated spots' is time consuming, especially because I want to make sure the systems are efficient. This house is a little bigger than our old home, but it doesn't have the storage space that we're used to.  This has forced me to get rid of excess and only keep the things we love and use.  A new house has also given me a clean slate to organize and decorate.  (You can imagine that I'm loving that part!)  I hope to share some of the organization projects that have kept me so busy and give you a tour, so please come back and visit!

By the way, it's nice to be blogging again.  I've missed you! 



  1. It is GORGEOUS!! Congratulations! And best of luck getting settled too!

  2. Congrats on your beautiful new home!

  3. From the picture I can't tell which part of the lake you overlook. You might be by my brother-in-law's house!
    Your pondering, "What do you do when you have two ovens far away from each other?" just proves you have a really rough life! :)
    Congratulations on the new house and less time commuting.

  4. Oh my, I SOOOOOOOOOOOOO get you right now! I love our new house but moving has been way more difficult than I had imagined. Mail is scattered every where because I eventually want to create a command center but while I plan it out I don't want to just throw up any ol' thing and mark up the walls (fresh paint is awesome,right?!), same goes for keys, and the laundry room. Like I said I can totally relate! Your kitchen is beautiful by the way!

  5. Beautiful House Michelle! Congratulations! Would love to come and visit one of this days. You are such an inspiring mom. Organize, Creative, Gentle, and beautiful inside out!!! Love u guys...
