

Printable Boy Valentines for an 11 Year Old

All week long I've given my 11 year old son
different valentine options to choose from.
It's his last year in elementary school, his last year handing out class valentines...I'm in tears typing this out!
Here's what my son asked for:
No pink color on the valentine.
No mushy valentine greeting.
Can't be babyish.
Can't be embarrassing.
Must be OK to give to girls and guys.
Must not appear that he 'likes' anyone more than a friend.

And then he recently added...

"It needs to be creative, mom."
(I CAN do creative, kid.)

"I don't want it to look like everyone else's valentines,
I want it to be cool."
(ummm...I'm much better at cute, than cool.)

Here's a rundown of the choices I gave him:

Option 1:   Popping Valentine

Option 2:   Pirate Valentine
Option 4:   Cheesy Valentine
Option 5:  Soccer Valentine
So....which valentine do you think he chose?

AH (Awesome Husband) failed miserably at guessing.

(To tell the truth, so did I.)

Drumroll, please....
The valentine my kid will be handing out at school is:
We were very surprised!  Are you?

His comments:

"I like this one best because of the toy. Everyone always gives candy, but I like giving something we can play with and throw at I don't really like cheese." 

And there you have it, straight from an 11 year old's mouth.
Valentines with a toy they can 'throw at people' are the best...
and he doesn't like cheese.
This was last year's valentine choice.
(Squirting toy with a mini water bottle.)
Apparently his class had a bit of fun getting each other wet...
(So glad I'm not a teacher anymore!)

Thanks so much for playing along and joining me this week.
Check back in...more valentine ideas are still in the works.

Be sure to check out my A to Z Valentine Printables.  26 days of valentines--one letter at a time!

And click here to access my Valentine Vault of Printables.

Linking up to:  AtoZebraCelebrations,


  1. I did not guess correctly either. All of the options are great!

  2. Aw man! I guessed wrong! I really like the ones he chose, though!

  3. My oldest is a 7th grader and doesn't do valentines anymore either! That was hard for me too, when he left elementary school. My little one is a 4th grader so I don't know what I'm going to do :)

  4. Well slap me silly and call me Susan! That was not what I expected but then again I guess I wasn't looking at it through an 11-year old boy's eyes.....they can use it to throw at each other!!

  5. I'm happy to feature your cool Valentines for boys today! I have an 11 year old myself and need these. Thanks for sharing on Living Creative Thursday! Tomorrow's theme is Cakes & Cupcakes. I hope you'll share something sweet:-)
