If you've followed my blog for while, you know that I love Valentine's Day. There's just something fun and uplifting about giving letters and love greetings in the middle of winter when everything is so gray and gloomy around here. Giving someone a handmade card with a treat, toy or gift that tells them I'm thinking of them, brings ME so much joy. Maybe it does the same for you?
This holiday gets a bad rap of being just for those 'in love' or for grade school children handing out valentine cards. But what about those friends and family members we love so much? Don't they get valentines too?
I've put together 26 days of valentine printables and ideas. Whether you're looking for an idea for your child's classroom, or to hand out to friends, neighbors or coworkers, I've got plenty of ideas for you. And of course there's ideas to hand out to your special 'loved one'.
Today is our first day and we're starting with the letter 'A', of course.
A is for Apples.
I live in WA State--known for Boeing, Nordstrom, Starbucks, Amazon, Microsoft and apples...real apples. The elementary school I attended was located on an old apple orchard and many of our school units were on studying how apples grow, writing reports on apples, creating stories with apples, etc, etc. My family and I have visited multiple apple orchards and we all eat at least one apple a day. (I'd like to insert here that we are always healthy because we eat apples--but that would be stretching it a bit.)
Everyone around here (our family included) is quite choosy about their apples. Walk into any of our local grocery stores and you'll find at least 6-12 different varieties of apples to choose from. We all have our favorite variety. The joke in the family is on my dad. You hand him an apple and he'll hand you back the stem and seeds! Crazy, I know.
Now that I've established my apple credibility, here's an apple valentine for you.
These work perfectly with whole apples or even those apple slice packets. (Yes, I'm fully aware those apple slice bags are not from WA State apples. My own kids don't like them, but you've got to admit they're perfect for classroom valentines.)
Click here to print your own Awesome to the CORE Apple Valentines. (These valentines are not to be edited. Print on cardstock for best results.)
After cutting the tags and hole punching, tie with baker's twine around a real apple or onto apple slice packets.
And don't forget about my Apple Thank You Note Gift Basket to our friends. A basket of apple treats full of apple puns.
Have an apple-so-lutely great day!
If you've enjoyed this post, please follow me on Facebook and Instagram for even more fun.
Letter A
Letter B
Letter C
Letter D
Letter E
Letter F
Letter G
Letter H
Letter I
Letter J
Letter K
Letter L
Letter M
Letter N
Letter O
Letter P
Letter Q
Letter R
Letter S
Letter T
Letter U
Letter V
Letter W
Letter X
Letter Y
Letter Z
Want even more ideas? See my Valentine Vault of all valentines on michellepaigeblogs.
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