My golden egg story goes something like this.... I was around age 5 or 6. My mom took me to my first community egg hunt. Somehow I only found one egg? Not sure if I didn't understand when to start looking or where to look, but I only found one egg. I ran to my mom crying and reach in my basket to pull out my egg...I had found the gold egg! My mom cheered as I received a special prize from the Easter bunny---a board game. I think it was a Chutes and Ladders game?
Can you even believe I sort of remember that story?
Golden egg moments kind of stick with you.
Have anyone in your life that could use a golden egg?
I don't know if you've noticed, but gold is on trend and has been for quite a while. The trend has trickled down to the candy aisle--and now the Easter candy! Have you tried one of these gold Hershey's peanuts and pretzel eggs? Oh wow!
And you won't believe where I found plastic gold eggs... The Dollar Tree. Gather up gold eggs, or a gold gift bag or even a gold bucket and fill it with gold Easter treats. I used gold tissue and gold curling ribbon to really make a statement.
Print out a sheet of these golden tags. Click here.
Trim and attach.
Trim and attach.
Yes, even Cadbury has gold eggs.
Click here to print your own tags.
Hand deliver to those special people in your life.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Here's another egg pun for you.
Click here.
Click here.

For more Easter printables, click here.