It's that time again...
Time to ship off those college care packages. Finals will be here soon!
My husband and I have just returned from visiting campus and handing out these fun boxes to some of our favorite college kids.
This quick idea is so easy to assemble. Take a trip to your local grocery store-- or order what you need online. Print out the pun-filled letter and include it with the package.
Click here to print your own.
Here's what I included:
-1 box of LIFE cereal
-1-2 mini packages of nuts
-1 CLIF bar
-1 package of Little Bites mini muffins
-1 mini package of Ritz Bits.
-1 individual size of Kirkland brand trail mix (but you could use any kind).
-1 mini can of Fanta
Because we were hand delivering these boxes, I wanted to tie them up with ribbon and tags.
I used this craft tulle and these manila tags. I added black patterned washi tape to the ends of each tag and used sticker letters for the first initial of their names.
Stick With It!