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Field Trip!
Check out the fun I had on Saturday!

I attended the Retreat Vintage Market
at a farm on Camano Island, WA.

I parked my car in a grassy field and walked right
into all these amazing vendor displays.

Here's just a few snapshots of things that caught my eye.

Bins, crates, wire baskets, pails, chalkboards,
(Why do I love storage and organization pieces so much?)

(I actually saw a lady buy this piece and carry it off to her car!)


with burlap covered chairs.

There were many rustic styled displays,
(Love this chenille pillow collection!)

stylish chairs,

and beds,
(Check out that cool red storage locker!)

vintage signs and farm supplies

and an old card catalog case.
(Wouldn't this be a fun piece to put craft supplies in...possibly ribbon?!)

There was so much to see... it was hard to take it all in!
I wanted to take home many treasures, but didn't.
I think it was because I didn't have my
'junk-lovin' friend, Kristen with me...she always talks
me into buying something wonderful!
(I missed you friend!)

To read more about this event, head to the Retreat's blog:
and visit their website:
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It's summer, even if our weather isn't acting like it! 
We spend our summers on Camano Island, WA- located about an hour North of Seattle. 
The place is so beautiful and relaxing!  I can spend hours just looking out at the water and the mountains. 
My kids love to play on the beach...especially building forts with all the plentiful driftwood that washes up on the beach. 
Take a look.

Doesn't this look like a child's fort paradise?!

My son sure thinks so!

Top secret hideout #1

Built with lots of help from Papa!

A very roomy fort, perfect for lots of friends and cousins!

Fort #2
(Built mostly by my kids with a little help from Mom and Dad.)

Don't let the outside deceive you. 
There are secret rooms inside and special spots to spy on people.

This fort comes with a couch for sitting and/or a bed for resting!
Ahh, to be a kid again...

Look what treasure I found on the beach before my kids did...a weathered old sign!
I feel a craft project coming on...
time for me to play, too!

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Our Father's Day Baseball Party!

The Setup!  Guess my theme!

One must always have a party with a theme!

Do you recognize the Wordles displayed on the table? Click here if you missed the Wordle post.

Baseball Brownie Cupcakes with red M&M's sticking up.
(My 9 year old decorated these!)

Rice Krispie Baseballs with red licorice for the stitches.

A bucket of baseballs help with the theme!

Red strawberries dipped in white chocolate, then dipped in blue sprinkles.

(Snow)Ball cookies.  Powdered sugar cookie recipe with mini chocolate chips.

Home Plate Brownie Cups

Green dyed coconut with sugar wafer cookies cut in the shape of home plate.
(As my 'baseball-lovin' children were helping cut the shapes, they informed me that home plate is located on dirt, not grass...oh well.)

Can't have a baseball party without peanuts and Cracker Jacks.

Tiny cans of Diet Coke with some 'pop' labels made by the kids.
-Pop for you, Pop!
-Pop, open your pop!
-Just for 'Pop'a!
-You're the best, Pop!
-I love you, Pop!

The mantel got a little theme color.
(My sign was made on Wordle.)

A look at the table.

I used plastic Easter egg baseballs and curling ribbon for decor down the table.
Mini baseball hats and baseball cards, too.

My 'awesome' husband grilled some veggies, brats and dogs.

The kids with their Papa and Grandpa.

Of course we had to play some Wii baseball inside and...

when the rain stopped, a bit of catch outside!

Remember we live in Seattle!

A picture with my Dad.
Happy Father's Day, I love you!

For more baseball treats--click here.


Linking up to: CraftoManiac, SkiptoMyLou, StrictlyHomemade, SistersStuff, SassySites, FrugalGirls, Tatertots&Jello

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School is out tomorrow for my kids.  Today we're thanking our bus driver.

I brought home a gigantic Mr. Goodbar and said to my kids, "Do you think you could make this into a bus?"

My son immediately declared it HIS project and went to work.  Here's what he used:
Black construction paper
White pen
Circle punch for wheels
Light wire for the axels

Ta-Da!  The bus actually stands up!  Super cute and quick!
On the back we wrote a little thank you note.

Thank you Mr. Bob!  What a great school year!

Linking up to:  SistersStuff, FrugalGirls, SassySites
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