My dear friend battling breast cancer always writes such beautiful, thoughtful letters and thank you notes. However, the cancer treatments have taken a toll on her body and energy. She's no longer able to keep up with handwriting notes to everyone who has helped her...yet, she so desperately wants to.
She recently asked me to make her simple and sweet thank you notes with just enough room to sign her name. She needed the cards completely ready to hand out to her friends as they gave her meals and gifts.
She recently asked me to make her simple and sweet thank you notes with just enough room to sign her name. She needed the cards completely ready to hand out to her friends as they gave her meals and gifts.
After discussing a few ideas with my friend, here's the result:
A colorful basket of thank you notes!
Take a look!
Peppermint sticks all tied up.
Your meal 'mint' so much to us!
Thank you!
Orange paper card with a candy orange slice tied on top.
'Orange' you sweet?
Yes, you are!
Click here to see my 'orange' teacher gift post.
Click here to see my 'orange' teacher gift post.
$1. pack of blank printed cards tied with purple ribbon and a chocolate bar.
Inside reads: I love you more than chocolate!
Mini-size Almond Joy bars with tag attached.
Tag reads: You bring me so much joy!
$1. pack of blank printed cards cut down.
One candle tied onto the card.
Your meal brought so much
to our day...
and a fullness of love to our hearts (and tummies)!
Thank you for your love.
Party poppers (TNT style)
You are dynamite!
$1. pack of printed blank cards
Stamp inside:
Love you so!
(Both stamps are from Michaels)
I labeled dividers in the basket to organize the cards.
(Basket purchased at JoAnns.)
My friend was overjoyed!!!
This simple gift was able to lighten her load tremendously.
I had so much fun creating these fun cards for her...I hope she'll need more soon!
Love and prayers to you, Ruthanna!
Linking up to: Craftomaniac, Iheartnaptime, EmbellishingLife, TodaysCreativeBlog, StrictlyHomemade,
Gingersnapcrafts, SkiptomyLou, BeyondthePicketFence, SassySites, FrugalGirls,
I had so much fun creating these fun cards for her...I hope she'll need more soon!
Love and prayers to you, Ruthanna!
Linking up to: Craftomaniac, Iheartnaptime, EmbellishingLife, TodaysCreativeBlog, StrictlyHomemade,
Gingersnapcrafts, SkiptomyLou, BeyondthePicketFence, SassySites, FrugalGirls,