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A Simple Halloween Mantel

Easy decorating for Halloween

Well, we finally decided that the TV was not going above the mantel in our new house. In our old house the giant black box was above the mantel, which meant decorating the mantel was out.  (Not that I didn't try.)
When the TV is above the mantel, the main attraction of the room guessed it, the TV.

I actually went back and forth about the TV placement decision for quite awhile...10 months to be exact. I asked many people and family members for their opinions. 

A neutral colored living room allows me to add pops of color in any shade.  This month it's orange!

Easy decorating for Halloween

And with the TV out of the way, I can have a Halloween mantel, oooooh, how fun!

Easy decorating for Halloween
I found my old, cracked, stained glass black window and put a paper backing behind it.  On top I hung this black feather wreath I've had for years. (they sell these at Target.)
A few tall candlesticks (all found at second hand stores,) gives the perfect Halloween touch.  

Real mini pumpkins straight from the pumpkin patch and the polka dot orange and black ribbon add to the theme.  (ribbon from Hobby Lobby.)  More ribbon looped around to add to the Halloween colors. 

Easy decorating for Halloween

Easy decorating for Halloween

Oh, I almost forgot.  The black crow
(from Michaels) is perched on a candle.  My son thought the crow was 'epic'.  

I always forget how much the kids appreciate the holiday decor...even as teenagers.
Apparently, you're never too old for Halloween?  
(Well, that's what the kids are saying...)

Happy Halloween!

Easy decorating for Halloween

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Have you been BOO-ed?
It doesn't sound like a good thing...but it is!

You've been Boo-ed!
A few days ago, I opened our front door to this.
(Do you have any idea how fun it is to open your door to a little surprise?  I think I was more tickled than my teenager kids were!  It's also nice to not always be the one to start these things. I'm really loving this new neighborhood.)

You've been Boo-ed!

It was a little sack filled with Halloween treats and this note.

You've been Boo-ed!

So here's how it works.

Go to this site:

You've been Boo-ed!
Print out two copies of the 'We've been BOO-ed' poem and sign.

Fill two bags with Halloween goodies and include a copy of the BOO-ed poem/sign in each bag.

You've been Boo-ed!

To make a treat cup spider, click here!

You've been Boo-ed!

The bags can be as small and simple as you'd like.  I used some festive orange gift bags I had and this super fun polka dot tissue paper...why? because it's fun!

You've been Boo-ed!

Then, wait until dark...deliver the bags to two different neighbors.  Ring the doorbell and run!
(This is when my teens finally got excited!)

You've been Boo-ed!

Now, be sure to cut off the 'We've been BOO-ed!' sign and tape it to your door.  
You'll want others to know you've already been BOO-ed.

You've been Boo-ed!

This website also has an option for you to do this in an office setting as well.
If you really want to go all out...check out these 'Been BOO-ed' ideas!  Click here!

Happy Halloween!  Hope you get BOO-ed!

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It's a Pun-Filled Donut Themed Party!

Hope you're not one of those people that say... "I 'donut' like puns."

My little brother had a birthday, umm...last fall.  We had just found out we were going to move, so I needed a quick, fun party theme that would be easy to pull off.
My brother's favorite treats are donuts and Diet Coke.  
(Since then, Diet Coke is no longer in his diet, but nevertheless, we talking about last year. I'm sure donuts are still a big part of his diet!)
Check out how fun and 'punny' a donut theme can be!

First I downloaded these donut tags from here. 
Black and white striped paper cups (from Pick Your Plum) are filled with powdered donut holes.  Donut labels were taped to black coffee stirrers.

The table was covered with black butcher paper.  I used a white chalk marker to write all kinds of donut puns.

Just in case you need some donut's a few!

We donut believe you're another year older!
Here's to a great jelly and fun-filled year.
We love you with our 'hole' heart.
We donut know what we'd do without you.
Are your eyes 'glazed' over from a sugar high, yet?
We love ya... and not just because you make a lot of dough.

(This one is a bit 'tongue-in-cheek'...because my brother works for my husband.)

and my favorite...
You're older hurts, donut?!

Mini Diet Coke cans were at each place setting.  I taped a paper straw (that I cut to size) with washi tape directly to the can.

I also downloaded these printable donuts.  They look so real!
A bit of printing, cutting and taping and I assembled a fun garland.

I put one printed donut under each glass plate.  And take a look at the donut hole tower!

These were the best instructions on how to make a donut tower.
My daughter thought the donut tower was amazing and had to have one at her birthday party!  Click here to see.

I also made a double layered chocolate cake.  Buttercream frosted, chocolate jimmies sprinkled and lined with mini chocolate donuts, of course.  Quick and easy!

And there you have it.  A festive donut celebration!

 Did you know that National Donut Day is the first Friday of June?
Krispy Kreme hands out free donuts on that day--if you don't mind standing in their mile long line?

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