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Birthday 'Boat Themed' Breakfast

(Please excuse the poor quality photos.  This is one of my very first blog posts.  Way before I knew about good cameras and photo editing!)

With too many evening activities tonight and no time to celebrate my husband's birthday, I needed to be quick and creative!  Here's a look at our Birthday Breakfast Boat Party!

Cantaloupe boats with sails!

The kids wrote messages on the sails.

My son made tiny origami boats to float in dishes of water.

We even tried to make the breakfast waffle, sausage and french toast look like a boat...

it might be a bit of a stretch?

Time for some boat gifts...we had to stick with the theme!

The kids made the boat tags.
These are flares.

First aid kit, tag says "Don't get hurt!"

Emergency boat horn

Tow rope, tag says, "Tie 'er up!"

Happy Birthday, Dad! 

Can you tell that we can't wait for boating season?!


  1. So creative Michelle, Jessica and Jacob. Why am I not surprised? Happy birthday Andy! Love, Aunt Barb
