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Retreat Vintage Market Trip!

Field Trip!
Check out the fun I had on Saturday!

I attended the Retreat Vintage Market
at a farm on Camano Island, WA.

I parked my car in a grassy field and walked right
into all these amazing vendor displays.

Here's just a few snapshots of things that caught my eye.

Bins, crates, wire baskets, pails, chalkboards,
(Why do I love storage and organization pieces so much?)

(I actually saw a lady buy this piece and carry it off to her car!)


with burlap covered chairs.

There were many rustic styled displays,
(Love this chenille pillow collection!)

stylish chairs,

and beds,
(Check out that cool red storage locker!)

vintage signs and farm supplies

and an old card catalog case.
(Wouldn't this be a fun piece to put craft supplies in...possibly ribbon?!)

There was so much to see... it was hard to take it all in!
I wanted to take home many treasures, but didn't.
I think it was because I didn't have my
'junk-lovin' friend, Kristen with me...she always talks
me into buying something wonderful!
(I missed you friend!)

To read more about this event, head to the Retreat's blog:
and visit their website:


  1. What fun!! I hope you bought one of the beach house pillows!

  2. I would have been penniless when I left there! WOW!!! I loved everything. Your pics are fantastic. Thanx for sharing. Tiffany

  3. I would love to go junkin' - i think my favorites are the bins and the red storage lockers - oh i want those for my garage

  4. Michelle, thank you SO much for coming to our event and then sharing it with your readers! We hope you had a wonderful time and will come back for our September 17th Autumn Retreat Vintage Market!

    {and, ah, bring Kristen this time! ;0) }

    Deb @ Retreat
