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Painted Rug!

I painted my rug!

I finally took the time to paint it, and I'm so glad I did!

On our covered deck outside, we have had this woven rug for years.
It had become so filthy, it was embarrassing!

The rug was rubber matted, so I didn't need to put anything underneath it.
I simply taped off the edges and rolled on a light creamy paint color.
About 2 coats later, the rug looked so much better!

Using black paint, I painted the border of the rug.

I then measured out 5 equal stripes.
To help me keep track, I put X's on the stripes that would stay cream.

Using the same black paint from the border, I
painted 2 big stripes.

And here it is!  Can you believe it?  It looks brand new!

My 'Do Anything' Dad found this old window for me years ago.
I loved the glass shapes and the thick frame. 
I was storing it in the garage and it almost got thrown out!
Right then and there I decided I better do something with it...quickly!

I gave it a bit of sanding and a couple coats of black paint.

AH (Awesome Husband) hung my window right onto the side of the house.
It looks perfect.

So does the rug! 

If I knew it would have looked this good, I would have painted it sooner!

Original inspiration for this project came from The House of Smiths.

Linking up to: GingerSnapCrafts, HouseOfHepworths, HappyHourProjects, FrugalGirls, AtThePicketFence,
 Whipperberry, HomeSavvyAtoZ, SassySites, NaptimeCrafters, Tatertots&Jello, PocketFullOfPink,
TheTablescaper, TheGunnySack, SkipToMyLou, TodaysCreativeBlog, SassySitesT2T, StrictlyHomemade,
ReasonsToSkipHousework, BeyondthePicketFence,


  1. Oh my goodness I love your backyard! Your rug looks amazing! Love the stripes! Such a clever idea to paint it! I love your window too!

  2. Seriously 100 times better. Beautiful. Your backyard looks amazing - what an oasis

  3. Love the black stripes!!! Looks awesome!!! I am on a mission to do every room in my house black and white with pops of color! ~ Barbara

  4. What a great idea! It looks great and I bet it will be really easy to keep clean also! I love your table and chairs also!

  5. Beautifully done. I have a similar rug that really needs some love. Maybe next summer. :)

  6. Amazing! That rug doesn't look like any craft project I've ever seen! Amazing!

  7. Great idea and great results..looks wonderful! Love the old window too!!

    Miss Bloomers

  8. Very pretty Michelle! I love how it turned out. What a transformation:)
    Thanks for linking up!

  9. Your rug looks brand new! Great job! And I love the little window :)

  10. Well done! The rug does look brand new and I love the window.

  11. Love how the rug turned out! Amazing change. That window is awesome!

  12. Wow! Great idea and the rug looks new and perfect on your patio. I also think the window is so nice with the frame painted black. Nice accent piece.

  13. Wow! The rug looks great, and I love the glass window frame. Very nice! Thanks for sharing!

    Stephanie @

  14. It gave your whole patio a lovely crisp update! Looks great!

  15. Awesome idea and environmental friendly. Love to make some redo with your idea.

  16. I just love this can I come over and have drinks with you some evening? Just beautiful rug and surroundings!

    Would love for you link up again this week and enter my Shabby Apple Giveaway! :)
