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St. Patrick's Day Green Treats with Printable Tags

Some GREEN for your day!

Printables for St. Patrick's Day

Here's a cute little printable to add some festive green color to someone's St. Patrick's Day.  Everyone needs a little green in their life, especially on St. Patrick's Day!

St. Patrick's Day Printables

Just print out these tags, trim and attach to any green treat.

You know my trick for scoring inexpensive green M&M's right?
Buy the red and green candies on Christmas clearance in January. Sort the colors.  Save the red M&M's for Valentine treats and the green ones for St. Patrick's Day.  (Store M&M's in ziplocs in the pantry for up to 12 months.)

I'm totally a M&M's fan, but if you have healthy friends- tie this tag onto a green drink, green fruit or a prepackaged salad.

Green treat for St. Patrick's Day

Click here to print your own tags.

St. Patrick's Day printables

Wishing you a very GREEN St. Patrick's Day!


 Linking up to Tatertots&JelloBFFLinkParty

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