October is Pastor Appreciation Month...but really, pastors can be appreciated any time. If you've noticed that your pastors need encouragement, this is a great and easy idea to get the entire church involved...and no one says it HAS to happen in October.
*Just to give you context...I'm a member of a small church (about 250-300 members). Sometimes these things are a bit easier to make happen if you attend a small to mid-size church.
*I often have friends from other church's that ask me for step-by-step directions...so here's what I did to make this happen.
First, I got permission from our church chair. (Always get permission so you don't mess up anything the church might already have planned!) The Church Chair wanted only the pastors to be honored for October. We will do something similar for the rest of the church staff in March or April.
You know how it's always more fun to give than to receive, right? Well, people love to give, especially in the church, but they need to know exactly how and what to give. So I made it easy for them.
I emailed the pastors to find our their favorite treats.
This is crucial! You don't want people to give them candy or coffee cards if they don't eat sugar or drink coffee--and yes, we have some very health-conscious pastors!
I asked each pastor to tell me their favorite:
-gift cards
Then, I took a trip to the Dollar Store to get supplies for the display. I purchased:
3 buckets (for 3 pastors)
1 foam board
1 pack of white mini pails
1 pack of colored popsicle sticks.
I already had:
tissue paper
colored cardstock
light wire
In a Word document, I printed out the pastor's names and their
information to create the poster. I backed everything on colored cardstock and glued it onto the board.
The mini pails had metal hangers that I stuck right into the foam board and taped securely on the back.
I made signs for the plastic buckets and taped them onto popsicle sticks to stand up out of the buckets.
October is Pastor Appreciation Month ~
Join us as we show our Pastors appreciation during the month of October by 'filling their buckets'. To participate, please write a note and/or purchase a small gift for our pastors. Labeled buckets are located by the Welcome Counter. Drop your notes and items in the buckets.
Here's a list of our pastor's favorites:
Pastor David: Favorite snacks: kettle corn, nut butter-filled Clif bars. Favorite drinks: English breakfast tea. Favorite gift cards: REI, Amazon.
Pastor Amy: Favorite snacks: Apple Pie Larabars, pistachios, apple chips, seaweed snacks, very, very dark chocolate. Favorite drinks: sparkling water, kombucha, unsweetened ice tea. Favorite gift cards: Amazon, Target.
Pastor Scott: Favorite snacks: RX Bar (coconut and chocolate flavor), figs (or other dried fruit without added sugar). Favorite drinks: coffee & kombucha. Favorite gift cards: iTunes, Goodwill.
Here's a list of our pastor's favorites:
Pastor David: Favorite snacks: kettle corn, nut butter-filled Clif bars. Favorite drinks: English breakfast tea. Favorite gift cards: REI, Amazon.
Pastor Amy: Favorite snacks: Apple Pie Larabars, pistachios, apple chips, seaweed snacks, very, very dark chocolate. Favorite drinks: sparkling water, kombucha, unsweetened ice tea. Favorite gift cards: Amazon, Target.
Pastor Scott: Favorite snacks: RX Bar (coconut and chocolate flavor), figs (or other dried fruit without added sugar). Favorite drinks: coffee & kombucha. Favorite gift cards: iTunes, Goodwill.
The buckets and poster were put on display every Sunday morning right where everyone would see them. Each week, little gifts and notes started filling up the buckets.
After the Sunday services, I bagged up the pastor's gifts and stuck them on their desks. This gave the pastors little treats and notes to read all month long. In the past, I usually just gave one big gift basket--but little things all month long is even better!
Of course the pastors were overwhelmed! They were delighted and blessed and encouraged. I loved that it wasn't just one group in the church honoring them, but the entire church body. (Of course not everyone participated, but the invitation to participate was open to all...and there's always next year.)
De'LIGHT'ful Gifts

REDiculously Awesome Pastor

Retirement Party for a Pastor

Pastor Appreciation Table Decor
Tie-Themed Pastor Good-Bye Party

Pastor Appreciation for Valentine's Day

**Does your church do anything for your pastors?
Leave a comment...I'd love to hear.

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