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Easter Peeps and Jesus

Interesting title...yes, I know.
As a Christian mom, it's always a bit difficult to make sure our family's focus is on Jesus at Easter.  Easter is remembering Jesus' life, death and resurrection.  Easter is the basis of all Christianity.
It's so easy to miss the true meaning and significance of Easter
 with all the chocolate candy, hunting for eggs and decorating with cute bunnies.
(We love all that stuff too.) 

So, imagine my surprise and delight when I saw this from Detail Oriented Diva.

Of course, I had to run to the store and make my own for my small group leaders at church!

Natalie at Detail-Oriented Diva provides you a printable of her gorgeous tags, but color copier ink is worth it's weight in gold at our home, so I chose not to use it, but made my own that are easier to print.

Natalie is currently on an 'Easter Basket Re-Label Mission'.
Her goal is to take the things in her daughter's Easter Basket and relay them back to Jesus.
Her ideas are so clever and fun! 

Look at this 'Chick' Jesus Out! See that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8

And this one with a wind-up walking toy...

And I love this one...

Click here to go to Detail-Oriented Diva and see all of Natalie's ideas!

More Easter Ideas for you:

Springy Easter Printables

Eggs-tra Special Teacher

Easter Favors

Easter Gift:  He Arose!

Easter Pail:  He has Risen!


  1. Thank you for solving my dilemma of something special to do for our children's church kiddos! :)

  2. thanks for commenting on our lego party - that means a lot coming from you, the queen of amazing parties!!!

    love the bunny peep idea....i might have to do those for j's kindergarten class!

  3. Thanks so much for featuring me!

  4. These are such adorable ideas! I love that the focus is kept on the meaning of the holiday in a world where that focus is continually pushed to the back burner or ignored altogether! :)

  5. These are wonderful! I love all of your ideas. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hi!
    I just love the way yours look!!
    Is there anyway you could email me this if you have time? I am not that great with creating stuff on the computer!
    I would like to give these to the kiddos in my daughters MDO class! They are so cute!
    Thanks a bunch!!
