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Turkey Cookie Pops

Turkey Cookie Pops

Have you ever made these cute little turkeys?
Last Thanksgiving, these turkey cookie pops were a hit with the kids. Most of the kids in my family turn their noses up at pie.
I know it's crazy, but it's true. Someday, they'll learn what they're missing.

 I set out these cookie pops and the kids were in heaven!
Come to think of it, the adults enjoyed them--after they finished their pie, of course. 

Regular, Golden and Mini Oreo Cookies
Nutter Butter Bites
Candy Corn
White Decorating Frosting
Candy Eyes
Lollipop Sticks

Split the regular Oreo cookie in half with a sharp knife.
Pipe a dollop of white decorating frosting on top of one half.
Stick on 4-5 candy corns, depending on size.
Stick on the tip of the lollipop stick.

Add another dollop of decorating frosting and place the other half of the Oreo cookie on top. 
Squeeze together and hold for a minute or two.

For the turkey heads, use the Mini Oreo cookies
and the Nutter Butter Bites.

I alternated the Mini Oreo black heads on the Golden Oreo turkey bodies...
and the Nutter Butter Bites heads on the regular Oreo turkey bodies.

'Glue' on the candy eyes with the decorating frosting.
Cut a piece of candy corn for the nose.
'Glue' on with the decorating frosting.
Another dollop of frosting on the back of the head and attach it to the turkey body.  Hold for a few seconds.

These turkey pops look especially festive when stuck in an apple at each place setting.


Just remember to note for peanut allergies if using the Nutter Butter cookies. You don't want your niece having an allergic reaction...although it could make for a memorable Thanksgiving?

  Sort of like the year the grandparents locked their keys in the car and we had to call the locksmith and serve him a piece of pie...and a turkey cookie pop.   Oh, the memories.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Linking up to: LilLuna Link Party Palooza,
Creative Collection Link Party CraftOManiac,


  1. These are so adorable!!! I know little kids and even adults would love to see these on Thanksgiving!

  2. Gobble, gobble! These are almost too cute to eat!
