You've landed on my A to Z Valentines. Today is the Letter L.
L is for Lip Balm Valentines. No candy here today.
Check out all the fun ways to use lip balm, lip gloss or Chapstick on valentines.
This is the perfect valentine to tape a Burt Bee's lip balm to.
I chose a beeswax lip balm version, but there's many different types and styles.
Click here to see the Bee Mine Valentine post to print your own.
Here's some more lip balm valentines:
Paper Trail Designs-- You're the Balm
Keeping It Simple-- No Candy Valentine
Crafts Unleashed-- Lip Balm Valentines
What's Up with the Buells-- Chappy Valentines

Aren't these the cutest?!
The Idea Room-- EOS Valentine Printable

Thirty Handmade Days --Printable Lip Balm Valentine

Looking for more Valentine ideas? Want to see my other collections, round ups and free printables?
Click here.
Hundreds of valentine ideas in an A to Z library.
Here's just a sample: