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For some reason, once you have real Easter grass, the fake grass just doesn't 'cut' it.  Of course the problem with the real stuff is-time.  It takes a bit of pre-planning and work to grow your own grass, but this year I found a much easier route.

Did you know that some grocery stores sell wheatgrass in their organic produce section?  I'm more of a protein shake girl, not so much a green smoothie maker, so I had no idea.  Wheatgrass is generally used in juicing, green smoothies and salads. 

It took me waiting in line at the grocery store to notice the person ahead of me purchasing this.  Of course I asked her where to find the grass and immediately left my groceries and ran to get some. Yes, the folks behind me in line gave some interesting stares.  Obviously they're not 'organic juicers' either?

First, I put the wheatgrass in orange pails for the cutest table decorations at our Carrot Party.  Click here if you missed that.

After the party, I cut up the grass to place it in my mini white pails.

I found my white pails at the Dollar Store, but these mini white pails from Oriental Trading are the same.

Click here to print out these signs. 
I printed my signs on  cardstock. Trim signs.


Using washi tape, adhere a black coffee stirrer to the back of each sign. Stick the sign and a few chocolate eggs into the grass.  It's like a mini egg hunt in a pail.

Hand deliver to your loved ones or place them around your Easter table.

Here's some more of my Easter grass posts:

Easter Egg Heads

Easter Décor

Happy Easter to you and your family.

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Easter is a big celebration in our home.  Is it in yours?
I made these little bags to help with the celebration.

They're quick to assemble.  Just gather up some party supplies and a bit of Easter candy.

Click here to print out the tags.  I print my tags on cardstock.

 Place goodies in a clear party bag.

Place tag into bag and tape close with some washi tapes.

Wouldn't these be fun to bring to your Easter celebration?

Happy Easter!

More Easter ideas:

Easter Gift:  He arose!

Easter Favors

Peep Bunnies and Jesus

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I grew up in the church singing hymns before I ever learned to read.  Easter hymns were always a favorite-- right up there with Christmas carols.  I remember as a child, attending our church's sunrise Easter morning services with my dad.  We'd bundle up in winter coats and blankets in the dark.  We'd walk behind the church through the grassy field, up on the hillside.  The pastor would lead the singing...and everyone would join in.  No hymn book could be read in the dark, but that didn't matter, we all knew the words.  As we were singing, the orange-colored glow would begin to light up the sky.  The pastor would say a prayer and a short message and then...there it was, the promise of a new day.

This particular hymn, 'Low in the Grave He Lay' is my most favorite Easter hymn.  The chorus has a fun baritone part that my dad would always sing out with enthusiasm.  I liked singing that part, too!

To print your own tags, click here. 

I print my tags on cardstock .

Trim tags and adhere to colored craft sticks using washi tape .

Place the stick into a mini rose plant or a bouquet of roses.

You can even tie the tag onto a single long stemmed rose...or even around a rose-scented product (think lotion, soap, candle, etc.).

Happy Easter to you!

Need some more Easter gift ideas?

Springy Easter Printables

Eggs-tra Special Teacher

Peep Bunnies and Jesus

Easter Favors

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There's something about washi tape that reminds me of Easter eggs. There's so many beautiful, colorful patterns, just waiting to be transformed into these sweet egg tags.  Tie them onto some paper bags filled with goodies and they're ready to gift for Easter. 

These are really quite simple and quick to make.

Here's a step by step picture guide.
Cut out egg template on white cardstock. 
Cove entire egg with washi tape.  Extend the tape past the egg.
Turn egg over and cut around the egg, trimming off the excess tape.  Hole punch egg and paper sack.  Tie on ribbon.

Inside the bags I placed some green paper shreds, Easter candy and these cute little Easter pens.  You could put anything you wanted inside.

 Don't you love those big rings to hold washi tape?  Click here to get your own.

These egg tags work great tied onto Easter candy, too.

If you need an egg template, click here to print the 4 egg template.

Want some other sizes?  Click here for the multi-sized egg template.

Happy Easter!

Looking for some more Easter tags?

Springy Easter Printables

Eggs-tra Special Teacher

Peep Bunnies and Jesus

Easter Favors

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