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You've Been BOO-ed! Halloween Neighborhood Fun

Have you been BOO-ed?
It doesn't sound like a good thing...but it is!

You've been Boo-ed!
A few days ago, I opened our front door to this.
(Do you have any idea how fun it is to open your door to a little surprise?  I think I was more tickled than my teenager kids were!  It's also nice to not always be the one to start these things. I'm really loving this new neighborhood.)

You've been Boo-ed!

It was a little sack filled with Halloween treats and this note.

You've been Boo-ed!

So here's how it works.

Go to this site:

You've been Boo-ed!
Print out two copies of the 'We've been BOO-ed' poem and sign.

Fill two bags with Halloween goodies and include a copy of the BOO-ed poem/sign in each bag.

You've been Boo-ed!

To make a treat cup spider, click here!

You've been Boo-ed!

The bags can be as small and simple as you'd like.  I used some festive orange gift bags I had and this super fun polka dot tissue paper...why? because it's fun!

You've been Boo-ed!

Then, wait until dark...deliver the bags to two different neighbors.  Ring the doorbell and run!
(This is when my teens finally got excited!)

You've been Boo-ed!

Now, be sure to cut off the 'We've been BOO-ed!' sign and tape it to your door.  
You'll want others to know you've already been BOO-ed.

You've been Boo-ed!

This website also has an option for you to do this in an office setting as well.
If you really want to go all out...check out these 'Been BOO-ed' ideas!  Click here!

Happy Halloween!  Hope you get BOO-ed!


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