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Tabernacle Sunday School Craft

It's been quite awhile since I've shared a Sunday School craft with you, and this one is actually not for Sunday School, but for our Ladies Bible Study...however, I think it could be used with Sunday School kids who are studying the Tabernacle.
Our Ladies Bible Study has just finished studying Beth Moore's A Woman's Heart- God's Dwelling Place. The entire (10 week!) study is about the Tabernacle and God's Holy Presence. This is a great study packed with amazing, eye-opening information...the problem...too much information.  In fact, that is why I came up with this idea in the first place. I needed something to help us remember this information. Something to remind us of what we've learned. Something to turn to, read over, remember and be encouraged.  (As a former school teacher, I'm always looking for ways to retain what we learn after reading a book or completing a study.)
Tabernacle Craft and Printable

I call this the Tabernacle Reminder Kit

It's basically a 9 pocket sheet protector with a Tabernacle element in each compartment.  
On the front side is the name of the element and a corresponding item inserted in the pocket.

Tabernacle Craft and Printable @michellepaigeblogs.comTabernacle Craft and Printable

Tabernacle Craft and Printable

On the back side are the corresponding scriptures of how Jesus fulfilled every single element in the Tabernacle. (That was God's plan all along!)
It's powerful just reading it!

Tabernacle Craft and Printable

-Baseball Trading Card Protectors  (affiliate link)(9 compartments- each pocket is 3 1/4" x 2 1/2")
(My husband was redoing his baseball card collection and was actually throwing these out! Gasp! I had to come up with a use for them, right?!)
Trading Card Pages for Tabernacle Craft

-Tabernacle: foam cross  (These crosses were found at Hobby Lobby, they're stickers.)

Foam crosses for Tabernacle craft

-Altar of Burnt Offering: match (I used a box of kitchen matches. If doing this with children, cut off match tips and then color an end of the remaining stick with a red marker.)
Matches for Tabernacle Craft

-Basin: piece of soap 
(Cut a bar of soap into tiny pieces.)
Soap for a Tabernacle Craft

-Veil: linen piece & embroidery thread in blue, purple & scarlet
(Cut white linen fabric into squares. Cut a 3-4 inch piece of blue, purple & scarlet embroidery thread.) Cherubim were embroidered into the veil's curtains with blue, purple & scarlet.

Linen and thread for a Tabernacle Craft

-Lampstand: birthday candle
(The tabernacle's lampstand was an oil burning lamp, not a candle.)

Candle for a Tabernacle Craft

-Table for the Bread of Presence: computer printout of 2 stacks of 6 loaves. (These represented the 12 tribes of Israel.) Click here to print out your own bread print outs.

Bread for a Tabernacle Craft

-Altar of Incense: incense sticks (I found a box of incense sticks at the Goodwill or click here for a source. affiliate link.) Take a few sticks and break them to make them fit in the pocket.
Incense for a Tabernacle Craft

-Mercy Seat: gold (yellow) feather (represents the golden cherubim's wings that guarded the Mercy Seat.)
Gold feathers for a Tabernacle Craft

-Ark of the Covenant: (All of these pieces go in one pocket.)
     -gold metallic paper
     (cut out in urn/vase shape that held the manna),

     -gray paper (cut out in 2 stone commandment tablet shapes),
     -2 inch piece of a fake flower stem (Aaron's budding staff). 
              I picked off the flower blooms of a long stem and cut the stem into small pieces.

Tabernacle Craft and Printable

Ark of the Covenant Craft

-Printout of the Tabernacle cards and Jesus' fulfillment cards.
Click here to print your own Tabernacle cards.
Tabernacle Craft and Printable @michellepaigeblogs.comTabernacle Craft and Printable

**Yes, I realize this is a ton of supplies...many of these items could be substituted with a student drawing the items or a computer graphic. You choose to do what works for your class, your time and your budget.

Tabernacle Craft and Printable

Ahead of time:
Make copies of the printouts.
Gather supplies and prepare them so students can easily take each item and insert it in the pockets.

1. Cut apart the cards and insert them in the pockets.
Tabernacle cards on front, with Jesus fulfillment cards facing the back side.

Tabernacle Craft and Printable
(I put the cards in the protector page-- in the order the items appear in the Old Testament Tabernacle.)

     1.Tabernacle /Jesus is Our Tabernacle
     2. Altar of Burnt Offering/ Jesus is Our Perfect Sacrifice
     3. Basin/ Jesus is Our Basin
     4. Veil into the Holy of Holies/ Jesus is Our Veil
     5. Lampstand/ Jesus is Our Lampstand
     6. Table for the Bread of Presence/ Jesus is Our Bread
     7. Altar of Incense/ Jesus is our Altar of Incense
     8. Mercy Seat/ Jesus is Our Mercy Seat

     9. Ark of the Covenant/ Jesus is Our New Covenant
2. Slip each item into the corresponding pocket. 

Tabernacle Craft and Printable

3. Review each item, remembering key points that were learned about the Tabernacle.
4. Read each scripture telling how Jesus fulfilled every part of the Tabernacle.
5. Finish lesson reciting what the Bible says about our body being a living Tabernacle.

Want to see some more of my Sunday School Crafts? 

Baby Moses Craft and Lesson
Baby Moses Sunday School Craft

Craft for the Book of Ruth
Story of Ruth Sunday School Craft

Feeding the 5000
Feeding the 5000 Sunday School Craft

Shield of Faith with Balloon Battle
Shield of Faith Sunday School Craft

Phillip and the Ethiopian 
Phillip and the Ethiopian Sunday School Craft

Parable of the Lost Sheep Sunday School Craft
Parable of the Lost Sheep Craft

Valentine's Day Sunday School Craft
Valentine's Day Sunday School Craft

Palm Sunday Craft
Palm Sunday Craft

Easter Sunday School Craft
Easter Sunday School Craft

May Day/Mother's Day Sunday School Craft
May Day Craft Mother's Day Craft

Old Testament Tabernacle Review Craft
Tabernacle Craft and Printable


  1. I used this craft for my k-4 Sunday school kids and let me tell you: this was as fun to get ready as it was to assemble with the kids. I loved loved loved getting nerdy and into the meat of scripture with this craft. My younger kids actually were more impressed and interested in the stories behind each square than the older ones were. I had one kid actually say, "I really like this craft!" This was amazing and wonderful and there were so many speaking points that you could go off of from the cards. I can't wait to make this again. I hope more people find this craft and try it out. It is great for young kids and adults too. Thank you for putting this together and sharing!

    1. What a nice comment. Thank you for taking the time to post how this turned out for your Sunday School class, I appreciate it.
