You know I love a party with a theme...and even more so when puns are included. Well, wait until you see the puns on this one! They're FAN-tastic! It's my mom's birthday and Mother's Day combined into one week-end of celebrations.
I started off by printing out my fan pun cards on white cardstock. Click here to print your own. I had originally thought I wanted them black and white, but after printing them, I decided to add some watercolors to them. Quick, easy and colorful.
Trim the cards and glue onto black cardstock for a frame. I used these cards all throughout the decorations.
These big decorative fans were found at Ikea. They made a perfect backdrop for the desert table...
These big decorative fans were found at Ikea. They made a perfect backdrop for the desert table...
and a fun backdrop for a party photo shoot. (This little cutie joined our party--my parent's newest foster child.)

The fan cards were placed everywhere, on paper fans, real fans, in the flowers and on my mom's gifts. Bright colored, shiny foil wrap can be found at the Dollar Store.
'From a fan' is one of my favorite puns!
Doesn't that make you smile? I didn't get a picture of the know, mom's birthday cards.
Doesn't that make you smile? I didn't get a picture of the know, mom's birthday cards.
The dessert table was filled with more fan puns.
I found this pink fan at Home Goods and knew it had to be a part of my decor.
And the cake had to be FANcy, right?
Actually, the cake only looked fancy. It was a triple layer dark chocolate and yellow cake with buttercream frosting. The frosting pattern was super easy and only took a few minutes to accomplish.
It involves piping a row of thick dots and then using the back of a spoon to smush each dot. Repeat over and over. It was super fun to do!

Of course, mom thought it was FANcy!
The table was FAN-filled as well.
A white tablecloth covered the table with chalkboard chargers and glass plates. Sheer Pink fabric (curtain panels) were used as table runners.
Pink vases held flowers and more pun cards. I taped black stirring straws on the back of the tags to stick them in with the flowers.
Also on the table for the kids were some hand held foam fans and light up fans.
Everyone loved staying 'cool'.
Everyone loved staying 'cool'.
We kept celebrating mom all week-end long--she loved it!
Happy Birthday, Mom! Happy Mother's Day!
I'll always be your #1 FAN!
***You could always take this fan party idea and adapt it for a child. Play games using fans and objects. Make and decorate accordion paper fans. Be sure the drink of the party is Fanta!
Want to see more of my mom's birthday parties? Click here.
Want to see more of our Mother's Day parties? Click here.
Linking up to TT&J's BFFParty
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