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Otter Pun Printable Valentines

You've reached my A to Z Valentines. Welcome.
Today is the Letter O.
As I was searching fun valentines on the internet, I kept seeing otter-themed puns and valentines. You know I love puns...and otters just happen to start with the letter O... so here you go! A collection of the cutest otter valentines out there.

A to Z Valentines

Lacrosse Tribune-- Printable Valentines
Glad you're my significant otter

Paper Bicycle-- Printable Otter Valentine

I Otter-ly Adore You Valentine

Ruffles and Rain Boots-- Free Otter Valentine's Day Cards

Adorable Free Otter Valentine's Day Cards for Kids and Classroom

Cocktails with Mom-- Printable Otter Valentine

Printable Valentine's Cards | Cocktails with Mom

Le Trango $ --Otter Valentine
No Otter Like You Valentine Funny Love Pun Card

Tiny Bee Cards $--My Significant Otter
For the person who tanks your productivity by sending you adorable animal videos.

Egg Press $-- Otter Valentine
otter valentine
I just had to include this adorable paper sack otter. Wouldn't that be a fun valentine's craft? Just stick an otter pun on a heart and add it to the baby otter's tummy!
Buggy and Buddy-- Paper Sack Otter
Paper Bag Sea Otter Craft for Kids with free printable sea otter and baby sea otter template- fun ocean or sea life craft

And take a look at this one! You purchase this cookie cutter set to make the cutest otters. There's even step-by-step instructions to show you how to do it. Semi Sweet Designs--Otter Cookie Set and Printables
otter cookie for valentine's day

Wait, another one...check out these precious otter cupcakes.
I'm thinking I may need to have an otter party.
Hallmark--Baby Otter Cupcakes

Baby Otter Cupcakes

Remember that Beaver Party I did with the beaver cupcakes?
 Click here.

Here's some cute otter products found on the web. (affiliate links)


Looking for more Valentine ideas? Want to see my other collections, round ups and free printables?
 Click here. 
Hundreds of valentine ideas in an A to Z library.

Here's just a sample:
A to Z Valentine Printables @michellepaigeblogs.comA to Z Valentine Printables @michellepaigeblogs.comA to Z Valentine Printables
      A to Z Valentine Printables @michellepaigeblogs.comA to Z Valentine Printables @michellepaigeblogs.comA to Z Valentine Printables
A to Z Valentine Printables, Puns & Ideas

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