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Summer First Aid Kit

One would think, that I would have made a Summer First Aid Kit much sooner than now,
considering our 3 trips (yes, 3 separate trips!) to the Emergency Room last summer!

1)  Surgical glue put on my nose (long story I do not wish to tell).
2)  Stitches in my daughter's leg (she fell on an old nail that was sticking out of a beach log).
3) Cast for my son. (he broke his finger on our new, plushy, reclining couch--crazy, I know!) 

You wouldn't believe the hospital bills...or the questions they asked us!

Now I know that a first aid kit will not help us cut down on our trips to the ER,
however,  it will come in handy with the many cuts, scrapes and slivers that happen
daily from playing on the beach!

Take a look at the shenanigans that happened on the beach yesterday!
Jacob built a castle with a moat. 
(imaginary moat with a few buckets full of water.)

'Awesome' Dad decided to attack the lone king and his castle!
(Every stick on the beach represents a weapon to little (and big) boys!)

Hopefully that wound won't require an ER visit!

So, as I was saying... I finally made our own first aid kit.
No more running through the house trying to locate the tweezers when someone has a sliver.
No more rummaging through the 'catch-all' drawer trying to find the Band-Aids or the Neosporin.
This summer we're prepared!

First, I bought a small, insulated lunch bag at Michaels.

It is easy to carry with a handle and has a velcro closure, so nothing will fall out.
Plus, it came in the perfect 'first aid' bright red color!

And did you notice it was on clearance?!

Next, I put in the basic necessities we use the most:
-Neosporin  (both the spray and gel)
-magnifying glass (this really helps!)
and I think I might add some antibacterial wipes and a small pack of tissues, too.

And of course, I labeled the bag with white vinyl letters that I cut with my Cricut.
If you follow my may remember I've been on a little labeling kick lately.

That's it. Pretty simple project. 

Now, you won't believe this, but ever since I've made this first aid bag--
 my family has had no need to use it!  I wonder how long this will last?

Here's to a summer with no trips to the ER!


  1. Looks awesome, I will bookmark this!

    P.S. I am having a giveaway on my blog, I hope you will check it out and enter to win!

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and commenting on my bookmark Have a great summer!

  3. What a great idea. We can never find things when we need them.

  4. Love this idea! Found you via today's creative blog :)

    Kara @

  5. smart - I find our hospital visits always come in groups - I'm always on edge after the first one b/c i know another visit is coming

  6. We don't have a beach to go but we sure do spend a lot of time in the car! Something like this would be great! Saw you over at Tatertots and Jello!

  7. I have one in the car & one in the bag I carry with me when I have the kids out for the door. A first aid kit is needed for us with a child with neurological issues. She falls a lot.

  8. I've been needing to make one since we have had a very busy summer since memorial day. May I make one suggestion. Craft sticks! We used them all the time for jammed fingers when I was little. With a couple and some gauze and tape, or even toilet paper and tape, you have a quick splint!
