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Gardening Valentine

Valentine Link Party Going on Here! 
Come link up your valentines and be inspired!

Today's valentine inspiration comes from Alexis at Jac o' lyn Murphy.
Need a valentine for a gardening lover?
It doesn't get any cuter than this!

There's 'Gnome' one like you!

Check out this adorable gardening valentine pail.
Love the cute tags...

You are growing on me! (Tag attached to a seed packet.)

I dig you! (Tag attached to a gardening shovel.)

This one has a gnome in a glass terrarium!
Click here to see post.

 Such a fun idea!
Alexis has a million more creative, pun-filled valentines and ideas on her blog, Jac o' lyn Murphy.
I've been secretly studying every post of hers, wondering what she will come up with next!
Plus, I'm sharing another one of her ideas later this week.
Don't forget to link up to the Valentine Link Party!


I'd love to share your creative valentines!

1 comment :

  1. There is "Gnome" one like you Michelle! Thank you so much for posting these :)
