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Transform Monogrammed Cards to Thank You Notes in 2 Minutes!

More card makings today...and these are fast! 

These cards are not just sort of fast.
Oh no...I'm talking about super fast!  World record fast!

Are you ready?  Four steps coming at you.  Buckle up!
ONE:  Buy.

Buy these bright colored monogrammed note cards
in the $1.50 bin at your local craft store.
TWO:  Punch. 
Using a square punch, punch out a colored square that matches the card.

THREE:  Stick. Stick.
Stick on the colored square right over the monogrammed letter.
(I used a glue stick.)
Stick on a 'thank you' sticker.

FOUR: Tie.
Tie on a matching colored ribbon.
Here it is one more time...
Stick. Stick.
Now, those are what I call QUICK cards!

Now, let's say your local craft store doesn't carry these exact note cards...
It's OK. 
You can do this fast treatment on just about any note card you can find.
Don't believe me?   Just take a look at these links:

Make Quick, Cheap, Cute Cards from $1. Packs

Create Thank You Notes from Birthday Invitations

Fast Cards from $1. Note Card Packs

Final Card Trick



  1. Fantastic idea! Repurposed beautifully and what a bargain!

  2. Very cute idea. I have some of these cards around my house, now I know how to use them. You could use Happy Birthday stickers too. Love it.

  3. Super cute idea. Could make birthday cards for kids birthday parties that way too. My kids always seem to be going to a party and I forget to buy a card.

  4. You are brilliant! What a great idea and a way to save money!
