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Cliff Bars Thank You Cards for Teachers and Friends

On a cliff?

Ahhh!  You know those people in your life... 
The ones that prevent you or your children from falling.
The ones that give and support and encourage you on a daily basis.
The ones that you feel so blessed to be around.

I have quite of few of those people in my life. 

And when I asked myself, "What would I do without them?" 
The answer is quite clear...

Click here to print I'd be hanging tags.

Click here to print We'd be hanging tags.

Print out tags.
Trim tags. 

Attach tag to a CLIF bar using tape or ribbon or a karabiner clip?


Hand deliver. 
Feel blessed.

Linking to: SerenityNow Weekend Blog Party

1 comment :

  1. This is great, I love it! (Saw at Serenity Now). I'll be thinking of who I know that likes Cliff bars so I can give them this. Thanks for sharing the clever idea.
