Welcome to my A to Z Valentines. Valentines for every letter of the alphabet. Today is the Letter T.
T is for tech. Techy themed valentines. Well, actually-- geek and nerd fall under that category as well. So, I've grouped them all together. Have any techy, nerdy, geeky friends or loved ones in your life?
Take a look!
Lovely Planner-- Tetris Printable Valentine

Paperwheel on Etsy$-- You Auto Complete Me

Paperwheel on Etsy$-- Inbox Zero Valentine

meme-- Internet Explorer Valentine

Daily Grace Creations--Computer Circuitry Valentine
Darkroom and Dearly- Etsy$- You Turn Me On

The Bird and the Beard- Etsy $- Be Mine Valentine

Spreesy-Dodobob $- Geek Valentine

Belly Flop Designs- Etsy$-- Science Valentine

9Gag Valentines

Evil Mad Scientist--Printable Valentines

Evil Mad Scientist-- Printable Valentines

Add this printable to the top of a candy heart box of chocolates.
Chica and Jo--Geeky Valentine Candy

Looking for more Valentine ideas? Want to see my other collections, round ups and free printables?
Click here.
Hundreds of valentine ideas in an A to Z library.
Here's just a sample:
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