You've reached my A to Z Valentines. Today is the Letter Q.
Q is a difficult letter. It's not like there's Q-tip, quail or quilted valentines out there--and why would there be?
When I'm on the internet searching for valentines, I often run across some very interesting ones. There are some I just don't get (I'm not up on my pop culture) and others I would never, ever put in a blog post. And some,well--keep reading.
The following valentines are questionable...I mean, do they really even count as valentines? I'm not sure? Maybe these valentines will tickle your funny bone? Or maybe you'll want to skip this post entirely? You choose.
Q is for Questionable Valentines.
Of course they are all family friendly. We'll start with one of mine.
Here's the one I forced my son to hand out a few years ago.
Michelle Paige Blogs-- Snicker Valentine for a Teen

Here's a valentine to give to someone who isn't your valentine anymore, but you want them to be?
Music Notes--Bach Valentine

From a dog lover.
Unblushing on Etsy

Is this a 'break up' valentine?
Star Wars Single

For the theater lover, based on the musical, Hamilton.

This doesn't happen at your house, does it?

Ruffles and Rain Boots-- Sarcastic Valentines

This is a weird vintage valentine. Can you even imagine someone giving this valentine???

Hmm...Would you give or get this one?
Unblushing on Etsy

From an English teacher, perhaps?

Another English Teacher's Valentine

Knotty Cards Etsy$-- I'm Sorry Valentine

Not Sick of You

Be VERY careful reading these valentines.
Fresh Xmas-- I Hate Valentines
and I'll leave you with the cheesiest valentine of all time...

Looking for more Valentine ideas? Want to see my other collections, round ups and free printables?
Click here.
Hundreds of valentine ideas in an A to Z library.
Here's just a sample:
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