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Thankful Tree-Themed Tags

Thankful Tree-Themed Cards and Tags

Ah, November. The month of gratitude and thankfulness. How can you not love this month?

There is something amazing about saying 'thank you' to someone that actually makes YOU (the giver of the 'thank you') feel so good. That's the power of gratitude. When we give thanks, we take our eyes off ourselves and place it on others. And when we move our thoughts off of ourselves, good things happen. We have a new mindset, a healthy attitude and a selfless heart that brings joy no matter what our circumstances. 

Tree-mendous pun thankful tags

I love to tell people thank you and if I can tell them thanks with a cute little card and treat...even better! Check out these printable thank you tags you can use all season long.
Fall, Thanksgiving, Winter and Christmas.

Thankful Tree-Themed Cards and Tags

I love these Reeses's chocolate peanut butter trees candies. Have you seen them in your stores? If not, (affiliate link) click here. These candy trees work perfectly with any of the tags. Just tape a small size onto the back of each tag and hand out to those you want to say 'thanks' to.

Tree-mendous pun thankful tags

You could also use these tags with other candy or chocolates that have a tree printed on the packaging. Look how fun this Andes Mint chocolate bar looks with the Christmas thankful tag. Hole punch tag and tie on with a coordinating ribbon.

Thankful Tree-Themed Cards and Tags

These also work well with gifts with leaves printed on them. This is my current favorite smelling hand soap this year from Bath & Body Works....White Coconut Caramel! Oh wow!

Thankful Tree-Themed Cards and Tags @michellepaigblogs.comTree-mendous pun thankful tags

Another fun idea is to use this tag on a mini Christmas tree or plant. Hole punch the tag and tie with ribbon directly on the tree. What a fun and festive gift!

Thankful Tree-Themed Cards and Tags @michellepaigblogs.comThankful Tree-Themed Cards and Tags

I hope you find lots of ways to use these tags...
Scroll down for some more tree gift ideas I found online.

 Click here to print Tree-Mendous Tags
Thankful tree Pun tag to give

 Click here to print Happy Thanksgiving Tree-Mendous Tags

Thankful tag to print and give

Click here to print Merry Christmas Tree-Mendous Tags
Christmas tree-themed gift tag to print


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