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Fireworks Wreath

Okay...I've sort of recovered from our Dominican trip,
and now I'm ready to jump into the 4th of July Festivities!

Today I'm sharing my
Fireworks Wreath!

This is a super simple wreath to create...
the only hard part is remembering to save your fireworks!
These fireworks were from a TNT 'party popper pack'
Supplies Needed:

-Used fireworks.  (The small ones work the best.)
I also used a few party blowers and the paper shreds from the party poppers.
Note:  You could make this wreath with new fireworks if you wanted.
-One wreath form.  (any size, big or small)
-Ribbon to wrap the wreath.  (my ribbon came from the DollarStore.)
-Hot Glue.  (every wreath requires hot glue, right?)

Secure the end of the ribbon to the wreath with a dab of hot glue.
Wrap the ribbon around the wreath form, overlapping and covering the form completely.
To keep the ribbon secure, use a bit of hot glue as you go.

Make a big loop with the ribbon to create a hanger.
Hot glue the end to the back of the wreath.

 Now the fun part!
Arrange the fireworks on the wreath. 
Once you like what it looks like, start hot glueing each piece on.

After everything is secure, go back and glue the paper shreds
into any gaps in the wreath.
(I also glued some paper shreds coming out of the poppers.)

And there you have it!
Your very own
Fireworks Wreath!

I know it's a little flashy and a bit loud,
not my usual decor style...
but hey, it's the 4th of July and I'm celebrating!  Aren't you?

Don't forget to stop by my Red, White, Blue & You Holiday Link Party!
I'd love you to link up your 4th of July projects!


  1. Looks great! Are you going to set it a blaze on the Fourth?!!!

  2. Ha! I never thought about that! I guess I should make another wreath, this time with new fireworks! KaBOOM!

  3. How fun is that? Good thing they are just the wrappers so that it wouldn't accidentally ignite on your door!

  4. Cute as can be!! Just did my trip into PA to buy fireworks which I can't buy in NJ. This would be the perfect craft for all my 4th loot!

  5. How incredibly brilliant! I love this--I hope you will add it to my Patriotic Project Parade.

  6. TOTALLy love this idea! It's so colorful and festive!! Great job Michelle! Have a great 4th! xoxo

  7. I LOVE this wreath! Thank you for the great inspiration!
