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Extra Gum Valentine Printables

It's Day 5 of my A to Z Valentine Printables. Today is the Letter E.

A to Z Valentines

E is for in Extra gum. Yes, I have lots of gum valentines on my site and even a few Extra gum valentine printables I've made in the past...(scroll down for links).

However, I've never made a gum valentine just for AH (Awesome Husband). Plus, I'm using Extra's new hot cinnamon gum flavor.
Take a look:

Extra Gum Valentine printables

Click here to print your Extra Hot & Spicy Valentine

Now you could give your guy a gift basket of hot & spicy foods or even a gift card to a spicy restaurant--so, here's the same tag without the I 'chews' you or Valentine's Day sentiment.

Click here to print.

And of course, there's lots of other Extra gum valentines online. These are some of my favorites:

The Crafting Chicks  Extra Awesome Valentine
"Extra" Awesome Valentine & Free Printable

Passion For Savings   Kids Extra Gum Valentine

Kids Printable Valentines Using Extra Gum

Hip 2 Save  Chewing Gum Valentines
I Chews You Valentine Hip2Save

Glued to My Crafts  Printable Valentine
Extra Good Valentine's Day Printable

The Typical Mom  Extra Special Valentines
EXTRA special valentine's day printable

Michelle Paige Blogs-- Extra Special Gum Valentines
Extra Gum Valentine printables

Extra Gum Valentine printables


Looking for more Valentine ideas? Want to see my other valentine collections, round ups and free printables?
 Click here. 
Hundreds of valentine ideas in an A to Z library.

Here's just a sample:
A to Z Valentine Printables @michellepaigeblogs.comA to Z Valentine Printables @michellepaigeblogs.comA to Z Valentine Printables
      A to Z Valentine Printables @michellepaigeblogs.comA to Z Valentine Printables @michellepaigeblogs.comA to Z Valentine Printables
A to Z Valentine Printables, Puns & Ideas

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