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Make a Yellow Lemon Themed Gift Basket

When I told my sister in-law we were having a 'lemon themed' Mother's Day, (click here if you missed that party.), she put together the sweetest yellow, lemon-themed gift bucket for my mom. 
So cute, that I had to rip it apart and take a few pictures to show to you all.
Make your own yellow gift basket

This is such a sweet gift idea and super easy to put together yourself. It's the perfect cheer up gift, birthday gift, any occasion gift that anyone would love.

Here's what you need:
-1 (pail, bucket, bin, box, bag) to put everything in.
-yellow tissue paper
-yellow ribbon or tuelle
-lots of yellow or lemon items

Yellow items to place in a gift basket
Yellow items to place in a gift basket
Yellow items to place in a gift basket

Line your container with yellow tissue paper and tie with yellow ribbon.
Layer your yellow gifts inside.
How bright and fun!
Yellow items to place in a gift basket
This post contain affiliate links to help you locate products.
Here's some Amazon yellow lemon ideas for you:

Maybe you'd like to add a tag to your gift?
Click here to print out a Lemons to Lemonade tag from this past Cheer Up Gift post.

Or maybe you need a teacher gift?
This bright lemon yellow theme could easily go with this tag.
Click here to print out a deLIGHTful Teacher tag.


Click here to see out lemon-themed Mother's Day.

Lemon party for mom

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