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Cupcake Maker and More Christmas Gifts!

It's time to play with some Christmas gifts around here. 

Look what my daughter opened.  A cupcake maker!

Growing up I had a bright red Easy-Bake Oven. 
It came with tiny pans and individual cake and frosting packets. 
It took soooo long waiting for the heat of the lightbulbs to cook the little cakes...

Fast forward about 30 years and now my daughter has her own cupcake maker from Grandma.
Oh, boy was she excited!

My newly-turned 11 year old decided she wanted no help from me with her new present.
Yay!  I just sat back, took some pictures and only gave a 'few' pointers.
(I'm guessing you know what that means.)

She whipped up a cake mix, poured in the batter and let the machine cook for 6-8 minutes.
Much faster than those Easy-Bake ovens!

Of course it took a few tries to figure out the perfect amount of batter...

and the perfect amount of baking time.

Add a little chocolate frosting and they all tasted delicious!  Aren't they cute?

The best part? 
She shared with her brother!  Love it!

And I just have to share with you this Christmas present from my mom...

An ice, ice baby cube tray.  It will go perfect with this!

And take a look at what has taken over the family room!!!  Yikes!

Wanna come play?

Linking up to: FrugalGirls,


  1. Thank you for the nice comment on my blog. Your ideas are so original! I'd love you to seeing uour blog. Have a nice day☺

  2. That cupcake maker is awesome! I wish I'd had one of those growing up!

  3. My boys would love that room! I would love the cupcakes :)
