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Clean Counter Solution

We have a little problem (maybe I should call it an annoyance?) around our house.  There are drinking glasses everywhere! 

All day long my counter looks like this!  (Usually it's worse!) The kids and husband are always thirsty. If they use a cup or glass, they don't want to put it in the dishwasher, because they will most likely need to use it again.  I totally understand this, however, it results in lots of glasses sitting around.  Many times, glasses get moved or my kids forget which glass they were using earlier, so even more glasses appear on my counter.  Sorry family, but for some reason this really bothers me! Until now...

Remember when my friend and I went Junkin' last week?  Click here. 
One of the things that came home with me was this cute, little, metal bottle carrier. you see where I'm going with this?

To match the black accessories in my kitchen, I gave the bottle carrier a couple coats of paint

using Rust-oleum Painters Touch spray paint in a gloss black.

Using my black ink and my letter rubber stamps, I stamped out the names of my family to fit inside the metal name plates I already had.

I covered each name with laminating film (to protect it from liquid) and then used this Cott'n Silk fiber yarn

(found at Goodwill for .99!) to tie the tags onto the carrier.

Here's how the tags looked tied on.

I could have printed their names out on the computer, but I love the hand-stamped look.

Now each family member will have a home for their glass without cluttering the counter. Yay!

In a perfect world, this bottle holder would have 4 spots, so I could have one too...

Yet, isn't it interesting that MY glass sitting out never bothers me?

Just think, I could carry all their glasses to any location with one hand! Why didn't I think of this before?



  1. good idea, and you made it look so cute!

    thanks for your sweet comment ~ it was definitely an exciting day thanks to the guest post :)

  2. This is a great idea! I might have to try to find something that will work for us at our house. I, too, find glasses/cups all over the house! (Found you on Tatertots and Jello)

  3. Such a creative idea! I love the stamped name plates, definitely adds and extra touch!!

  4. This is so cute and super functional too! I'd love for you to share this at Fun For Kids Friday.

    Jo @ SmileMonsters

  5. Thanks for all the sweet comments!

  6. Such a cute idea. That would certainly look cuter sitting on the counter than 100 cups. I have the same problem at my house! We bought a bunch of those silly wrist bands and everyone has to put one on their cup so they know who's is whos. Works, but certainly isn't as cute as this! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I love this idea! I totally need something like this at our house.

  8. Hi Michelle, The drink holder is such a genius idea. I totally need one of these around here. Love that holder too! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase party - I greatly appreciate it. I am a little behind commenting...but I have featured this last week. Hope you have a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn

  9. Cute! It's always more fun to find practical solutions to problems if they look cute at the same time, right? This is really fun!

  10. I am doing this when we have kids! My dad used to gripe all day about this and I never saw what the big deal was. Now that I am married, I "get it"! Have a great day!

  11. Where did you get the metal name plates? I have been looking to find these for several christmas projects

    1. Name plates were found at a scrapbooking store. You could try a frame store, too. Good luck!

  12. where did you get the metal name plates I've been looking for them for Christmas pprojects
