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Moms In Touch Prayer Group

Every Friday morning (during the school year) at the home of a nearby friend, anywhere from 3-10 moms gather together and pray for our kids for one hour.  We come from many different Christian churches and denominations, but we have one thing in common--we believe in the power of prayer! 

"The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles" Psalm 34:17.

We pray not only for our children and each others' children, but for our children's school, teachers, principal, classmates, safety, health, the lessons they're being taught, their school environment and more.  We pray specifically for any issues that our children are experiencing, whether it's attention problems, friend issues, recess concerns, homework struggles, test anxieties, learning difficulties, attitudes, behaviors, etc.

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." Psalm 46:1

Each week we share answered prayers and praises; and each week we are blown away by God's mighty power at work in our children's lives and in their school.

We use a pre-printed form like this one, to guide us through scripture when praising, thanking and praying our requests out to Him.  This past week, we gathered and praised God for being holy, perfect, pure and deserving adoration. 

We prayed that our children would walk in faithfulness and devotion as we prayed Isaiah 38:3 over them. 

"O lord, may my child walk before you faithfully, with wholehearted devotion and (do) what is good in your eyes." 

What a great scripture to pray for our children who are living in this world with so many choices and decisions to make at such an early age.  Will they make their decisions based on what the world is doing or will they make their decisions 'faithfully' with a 'wholehearted devotion' to God?  As a parent, I can't be sure how my children will choose to live and what choices they'll make, but I can choose to cover them with the power and the protection of prayer. 

Our group is called  Moms In Touch International.  Thousands of schools across the country and the world have MITI (Moms In Touch International) groups praying.
Wouldn't you like to have prayer protection over your child's school?  Better yet, wouldn't you like to give God all the worries and anxieties that you have for your child? 
Wouldn't you like to have scripture prayed over your child and then be witness to God's power at work in their life? 
You can
click here to find out if your child's school has a MITI group already meeting.
MITI's goal is to have every school in the world covered in prayer. 
Will you consider starting a group or joining a group to make a difference in your child's school and their life?  A 1 hour, weekly commitment is such a small gift that will result in such a huge reward for our children.
"Whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight." 1 John 3:22


  1. Love this! I wanted to do the Puesta group, but it meets on Monday when I'm at work!

  2. Are you working on Mondays next year? Maybe you should suggest they switch days?! :)
